Training materials

Basic principles
This section describes the fundamentals of exercising and support information based on a desktop study. It includes definition of terms, exercise typology and classifications proposed by relevant organizations in the field of marine pollution. It also contains checklists, templates and examples of the documents required for formulating different types of exercises, as well as links to reference manuals and relevant information on HNS. All the information and documents were elaborated based on the literature.
Type of exercises
Programming & planning
Checklist & documentation

Review of information about the classification and definition of exercises.

  • Why exercising?
  • What is an exercise?
  • Key roles in exercises
  • Classifications
  • Definitions
Presentation types of exercisesPresentation types of exercises

Programming and planning. Compilation of information about the tasks to be developed in each phase before, during and after exercising.

  • Exercise programming
  • Exercise planning
    • guidelines
    • process:
      • Analysis
      • Design
      • Development
      • Implementation
      • Evaluation
Presentation programming & planningPresentation programming & planning

Compilation of checklists, templates and other support documents to be used before, during and after conducting an exercise.

  • Fundaments about types and function of each type of documentation.
  • Forms:
    • checklists
    • briefing
    • injects
    • debriefing
    • evaluation forms
Presentation checklistPresentation checklist

List of relevant websites, projects and bibliography related to HNS.

  • Training package on HNS spill management (CEDRE, MARINER Project)

  • Training Package on HNS Modelling and Environmental Impact (CIIMAR, MARINER Project)

  • HNS database (HNS-MS Project)

  • List of maritime incidents with HNS (MIDSIS-TROCS)

  • HNS database (MANIFESTS Project)

  • MARINER-MANIFESTS Knowledge Tool (HNS preparedness and response resources)
