Exercise MALTEX 2015

Areas of knowledge
Target environment
Marine/coastal environments
European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
Resource type
Dissemination materials
Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission,Ministry of Transport Malta, Ports and Yachting Directorate.

Organised by the Maltese Ministry of Transport. The exercise was organised within the context of co-operation in the field of pollution response between Transport Malta (TM) and EMSA. The main objective of this exercise was to train Member State’s command and communication system and pollution response operations, practical use of recovery equipment and cooperation of participating units. The objectives related to the participation of EMSA contracted vessels were:- Testing the established mobilisation procedures between ERCC, MALTA, EMSA, SL Ship Management Company Ltd and Tankship to request the assistance by EMSA contracted vessel #¿NOMBRE? spraying system on board the Balluta Bay

Mediterranean Sea