Exercises DB

Exercises DB
Guides & support documentation
Displaying 28 - 36 of 119
Setúbal, Portugal
Marine/coastal environments
The objective of this exercise was to request and coordinate numerous human, nautical and air resources with interministerial and…
Type of exercise: Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
Marine/coastal environments
The objective of this exercise was to test and implement agreed procedures and lines of communication for reporting incidents and for…
Type of exercise: Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
Marine/coastal environments
The exercise dealed with emergency incidents, including asymmetrical attacks of armed groups, search & rescue operations, sea pollution…
Type of exercise: Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
Marine/coastal environments
The aims of the exercise were several. Maltese responders, from various national entities and private contractors, got the opportunity to…
Type of exercise: Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
Limassol, Cyprus
Marine/coastal environments
The objective of the exercise was to provide a practical example on how an oil spill pollution response vessel operates in case of oil…
Type of exercise: Drill, Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
Karlskrona, Gothenburg and Stockholm, Sweeden
Marine/coastal environments
The main objective of this exercise was to train and improve the response capacity and the mutual understanding between at sea and on the…
Type of exercise: Table-top exercise, Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal
Marine/coastal environments
The objectives of this exercise were to test the compliance with the provisions of the PML, to increase in the readiness standards of the…
Type of exercise: Seminar, Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
Kastela Bay, Croatia
Marine/coastal environments
The objective of this exercise was to improve civil protection preparedness and response capabilities in dealing with marine incidents that…
Type of exercise: Full-scale exercise, Workshop
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
Shannon Foynes Port, Ireland
Marine/coastal environments
The overall objectives of the exercise were: exercise Phase 2 of the SEA-PT Oil Spill Contingency Plan, increase awareness and familiarity…
Type of exercise: Drill, Table-top exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
Displaying 28 - 36 of 184
List of major training exercises of assistance to vessels in difficulty (ANED) and maritime pollution response (POLMAR) developed at the…
  • French
Exercise simulation a discharge from Trans Alaska Pipeline System to Yukon River.
  • English
Training Activity/Learning Module
The purpose of this handbook is to provide exercise players with theinformation needed to participate in the exercise. This handbook takes…
  • English
To achieve the level of performance for pollution response required by the EMSA, the agency performs regular training, drills, Equipment…
  • English
To achieve the level of performance for pollution response required by the EMSA, the agency performs regular training, drills, Equipment…
  • English
Dissemination materials
On 17 July, EMSA participated in the operational exercise Breeze 2020. organised by the Bulgarian Navy in conjunction with the Maritime…
  • English
Dissemination materials
Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Larnaca,JRCC Larnaca
NEMESIS 2020 is conducted for the 7th consecutive year and is part of the proper preparation of all involved, in the implementation of the…
  • English
Dissemination materials
Italian Ministry of the Environment, Italian Coastguards
On Thursday 17 September 2020, the Italian Ministry of the Environment and the Italian Coastguards organised an anti-pollution exercise as…
  • French
  • Italian
The ESSD is a compilation of information and resources that would typically be available in any community as they respond to and manage an…
  • English