Communication Exercise (Sophisticated Test) between the Marine Environment Protection Directorate (MEPD), REMPEC and the German ICE Center (BASF)(December 2006)

Areas of knowledge
Target environment
Marine/coastal environments
Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea
Resource type

Communication Exercise (Sophisticated Test) between the Marine Environment Protection Directorate (MEPD) of the Ministry of Mercantile Marine of Greece, REMPEC (liaison centre) and the German ICE Center (BASF), Ludwigshafen, Germany, carried out within the framework of the European Chemical Industry Responsible Care Programme (ICE) (December 2006). This report describes the communication exercise carrieg out by REMPEC in 2006. The objective of the exercise was to test the communication with parties. By using the standard ICE Procedure for Handling ICE Calls and the standard format for requesting chemical data (Calls information sheet), information on VCM (Vinyl-chloride-monomer) was requested from Greece to the German ICE Centre.

Mediterranean Sea